Link to article: Thirty years after my OE, how long will mad cow disease keep me from giving blood?
Link: Thirty years after my OE, how long will mad cow disease keep me from giving blood? from Stuff
Link: Thirty years after my OE, how long will mad cow disease keep me from giving blood? from Stuff
Link: Concordance of CSF RT-QuIC across the European Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease surveillance network from Doc Wire News. Article originally published National Library Medicine
Early Diagnosis of V180I Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease at the Preserved Cognitive Function Stage from Cureus Journal of Medical Science
John Collinge (MRC Prion Unit, University College London, London, UK) discusses a first-in-human treatment programme to give PRN100, an anti-prion-protein monoclonal antibody, to patients with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease; the report is published in…
TLN_April2022_p342_354 (pdf) The Lancet Neurology April2022 p342_354 (online) from The Lancet Neurology
Here is your chance to help towards a treatment or cure for prion disease. Ionis Pharmaceuticals, a company based in Carlsbad, California US that develops antisense drugs targeting the RNA.…